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![]() I have tons of books on Arthurian Legend, many of which I brought home from London. Here's a small sample of the books I have and some are linked to in case you'd like to get one: The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, John Steinbeck Arthur the King, by Graeme Fife Arthur the King in the West, R.W. Dunning The Arthurian Legends - An Illustrated Anthology, Richard Barber An Arthurian Reader, selected and edited by John Matthews The Book of Merlin - Insights from the Merlin Conference, Edited by R.J. Stewart The Book of Merlyn, T.H. White The Coming of the King, Nikolai Tolstoy The Dream of a Golden Age - King Arthur, Geoggrey Ashe The Elements of The Arthurian Tradition, John Mattews The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends, Ronan Coghlan Hallowquest - Tarot Magic and the Arthurian Mysteries, Caitlin & John Matthews King Arthur and His Knights, by Sir Thomas Malory, Edited by Eugene Vinaver King Arthur's Death, translated by Brian Stone The Mystery of King Arthur, Elizabeth Jenkins The Pendragon Chronicles, edited by Mike Ashley by Stephen R. Lawhead:
by Mary Stewart:
Legendary LinksArthurian Homepage - Newfoundland Cardiff Arthurian Society Pages Cardiff Arthurian Society Best Arthurian Links page Society of Creative Anachronism King Arthur in the MoviesFirst Knight was certainly not the best King Arthur movie ever, but it does have some nifty Web pages. But why can't I find websites about Excalibur, the best Arthurian legend movie around? If you know of any Excalibur pages, please email me. Medieval LinksThe Labyrinth - Medieval Studies Netserf: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources |