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Which is the best, most comprehensive, most useful computer magazine out there? I have no idea, even though I sure read a lot of them (most of the ones listed here, in fact). I seem to go through phases with my reading. Last year, I loved computer magazines, but I think this year, I'm gravitating toward business magazines. Still, there's nothing like a good Internet-related magazine to point you to some interesting new sites, especially when you're on deadline for an article you're writing! (procrastinate? who me?)
2600 The Hacker Quarterly. A magazine of advocacy, tricks and information for the hard-core computer hacker. CMP Publications - Links to their publications including Information Week,
HomePC, Windows and more! Computer Currents The Hacker Quarterly. A magazine of advocacy, tricks and information for the hard-core computer hacker. Computer Life UK A cyber-magazine "dedicated to making the most of your personal computer." Lots of cybernews and software reviews, brought to you with a decidedly British sense of humor. Cybersurfer's Webzine Articles and photos from the New York based cyberpesonality, Cybersurfer. Troublesome hotlinks with an urban attitude. Internet Magazine UK "The most authoritative Internet monthly in the UK." Site highlights, reviews and hotlinks from a UK perspective (a little less tongue in cheek than CyberLife UK.) Family PC The family-friendly computer magazine. The Whos, Whats, Wheres and Hows of the Web for families, plus tips on family oriented software, etc. Home Office Computing Information for those using personal computers to run businesses from the home; tips on designing your own logo, marketing, managing money and more. Hotwired All the best of cyberculture from the alternately hip, humorous, political and techno-saavy Hotwired staff. (I also read the print magazine WiReD - actually, I subscribe.) |
Interactive Age Daily Features Techweb, the "premier online information service." A compendium of pages covering the full technology spectrum: news, a searchable archive, discussion area, etc. Internet World Internet news and resources. Mercury Publishing - home of PCNet and MacNet The Net One of the cooler net/tech mags online. Tons of great links (the blue pages) and info galore. WebWeek THE industry mag online. |