
MY WORLD: [my favorite things][writings & musings]

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CYBERGRRL WEBSTATION: [planet cybergrrl] [cybergrrl village] [webgrrls] [femina] [womenzone]

I'm an information addict - I read alot about technology news since that is my business and I love all the news sources online, especially the ones that let me customize my news. So my homepage on Netscape is set on Newspage and I just joined My Yahoo - I'd get Freeloader or one of the other customizable news delivery services but they only work on PC's.


Yahoo: News & Media: Daily

My Yahoo

Yahoo New York

Crayon - CReAte Your Own Newspaper

Nando Times


Netday News

Media Central

Netly News

Newslinx - daily Web news


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CYBERGRRL WEBSTATION: [planet cybergrrl] [cybergrrl village] [webgrrls] [femina] [womenzone]

A. Sherman
Cybergrrl Internet Media